Once in a lifetime opportunity, the Blue Moon shines tonight!

2 Nov 2020

5:37 PM

BSL Admin


Have you heard the term 'once in a blue moon'? It means an occurance that is very rare! And for the first time since the Second World War, you'll be able to witness a 'blue moon' in the night skies tonight.

 Apart from contrary belief, the 'blue moon' isn't in the color blue. The full moon that will be visible on 31 October (or 30 October given that we're in Malaysia), is called the blue moon because it's the second full moon of the same month, the first full moon during Mid Autumn Festival at the beginning of the month.

 And in a rare treat, the 2020 Halloween full moon will be visible to the entire world, rather than just parts of it. Let's hope for clear skies tonight so we can see this magnificent astronomical occurrence!

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BSL Admin